Documents Technical
Click on the icon or link in order
to download documents of technical nature:
technical presentations
& Multiprocess: Problems and
Solutions. PDF-format 0,3 MB.
Light-weight technical presentation
of non-blocking synchronization in
the scope of multithread programming.
May 2008.
Download |
Professional Edition: Applications
Programmers Interface. PDF-format 0,1 MB.
Brief presentation
of the included functionality and
syntax of the components in the
NOBLE Professional Edition software
library. May 2008.
Download |
User and Developer Manuals
Professional Edition: Developers Manual. PDF-format 1,5 MB.
Detailed documentation
of the included functionality and
syntax of the components for C/C++ in the
NOBLE Professional Edition software
library. May 2008.
Download |
Technical research
A Non-Blocking Inter-Process Communication
Library. PDF-format 0,3 MB. Explains the basic concept of the
research project. 2002.
Download * |
Non-Blocking Synchronization in
Parallel Applications: Performance
Advantages and Methodologies. PDF-format 0,3 MB.
Conference article demonstrating
significant performance improvements
for non-blocking technologies in
real applications, see also the
ACM conference version. 2002.
Download |
Wait-Free Snapshots for Real-Time
Systems with Sporadic Tasks:. PDF-format 0,3 MB.
Conference article presenting
efficient non-blocking data
structures. 2003.
Download |
and Lock-Free Concurrent
Dictionaries. PDF-format 0,5 MB.
Conference article presenting
efficient non-blocking data
structures, see also the
ACM conference version. 2003.
Download |
and Practical Deques using
Single-Word Compare-And-Swap. PDF-format 0,3 MB.
Conference article presenting
efficient non-blocking data
structures, see also the
Springer journal version. 2004.
Download |
Reference Counting and Memory
Management. PDF-format 0,3 MB.
Conference article presenting
efficient non-blocking data
structures, see also the
IEEE conference version. 2004.
Download |
and Efficient Lock-Free Garbage
Collection Based on
Reference Counting. PDF-format 0,4 MB.
Conference article presenting
efficient non-blocking data
structures, see also the
IEEE conference version. 2005.
Download |
and Practical Non-Blocking Data Structures.
PDF-format 1,4 MB. Doctoral
dissertation covering a large part of the
non-blocking technology. 2004.
Download |
* Please
note that this document describes only the
NOBLE research project.
Professional Edition is a new product
made from scratch with a much larger scope and does not contain any
remains from the
research project, besides from the name,
concept and approach.